Friday, June 4, 2010

Dental Hygiene

You want your teeth to last a lifetime and proper dental hygiene will insure this. Just as everyone has a unique DNA make up, they also have their own unique needs for oral care. Take for instance, the type of toothbrush you use. Some people require a soft bristled brush while others need a sturdier, more firm bristle. So once you find a good toothbrush you want to stick with that type. You also need to make sure that you change your tooth brush often. Toothbrushes can harbor germs. Dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months.

Periodontal disease can occur if you don’t take care of your teeth. When cavities form and are left untreated they can infect the pulp areas of the mouth and can form into an abscess. This can result in having to have a root canal. If the teeth have to be extracted then you have a new and more expensive problem on your hands – tooth replacement. This can come in the form of a partial denture or an actual tooth prosthesis that is screwed into the bones of your mouth. Granted permanent replacement is far more expensive then the removable kind.

All in all, you can see why having excellent oral hygiene is important. Without it, you run the chance of serious illness as well as tooth loss and who wants that?

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